- During our awareness months, the NAMI Blog will feature stories about a variety of topics related to mental health. New posts will be added weekly. Be sure to check out the NAMI Blog at nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog and look for posts on our social media channels featuring quotes from our authors.
- Throughout our awareness months, we will feature personal stories of lived experience on nami.org/PersonalStories and on NAMI’s social media channels. Personal stories are brief, informal snapshots, making them unique from pieces published on the NAMI Blog. By sharing these stories, we aim to highlight the importance of mental health in all communities and to make people feel less alone in their mental health journeys.
- NAMI will feature different videos from people sharing their stories of lived experience. Look for content to be uploaded to nami.org/Awareness and our YouTube Channel, youtube.com channel/UCaNzWjA23x9EvaVU3jYw15A, as we get closer to our awareness months.
- Check out our document, Working from Home: Tips and tactics for managing your employees, and your own, mental health.
- Through candid and courageous stories of lived experience, these mental health champions share their journeys of resiliency and recovery. View the videos here and share with your networks: nami.org/StrengthOverSilence