May 2017 1413 7th through 12th graders in Lakeway School District completed the Youth Risk Behavior Survey electronically. Findings suggested higher than national averages on several items.
Here are a few of those results…
- Levels of Anxiety and Stress in teachers leading to self medicating (drugs/ alcohol to reduce stress)
- 40% of students say they don’t feel good enough
- 52% of high school students feel the stress of school is too much
- 70% of High School students think it’s normal to get high on weekends with friends
- 60% say a lot of students drink, 49% say LTHS is known for partying
- Thinking about suicide or doing things to self harm
- 17% report having considered or attempted suicide in past year
- 25% say they have felt sad or hopeless for two or more weeks in a row in past year
- Lack of support from educators, parents
- 58% feel supported by teachers (18% say no teacher cares about them)
- 12% report feeling that no parent cares about them
So the questions are?
- Does any of this surprise you?
- If you could do one thing to reduce stress among 7th-12th graders in Lakeway what would you do?
a. Can adults change these feelings/stresses?
b. Can kids do anything to change these feelings/stresses? - Do you want to join a group of young people helping community leaders to understand the point of view of kids living in Lakeway that wants to listen to your ideas and make this a healthier, happier place to be a kid?